A new study comes to a terrifying conclusion for those who fear the outbreak of super volcano which may periodically change their appearance to Earth. According to an Australian team of geologists, 73,000 years ago, a super volcano eruption on the island of Java was so powerful blast destroyed all the trees or the Indian subcontinent.
Gigantic Toba volcano threw into the atmosphere a huge amount of volcanic ash. Force its eruption left a crater 100 km in length and a width of 35 km. Currently, the crater is the largest volcanic lake in the world. Samples of ash released into the atmosphere have been found in India, Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal and South China Sea. The amount of resulting ash was so large that a super volcano Toba caused the instant ice age. In other words, the ash in the atmosphere prevented solar radiation for a period of 6 years' mini ice age "with a duration of 1,800 years according to the records present in the Greenland ice layers. During this sudden ice age, temperatures on Earth emedii fell by about 2.2 degrees Celsius.
"catastrophic eruption of the Toba had a great impact on the human population at that time. This explains the lack of artifacts and traces of human civilization that characterized the period from 50,000 to 100,000 years ago. Lack of genetic diversity within populations human now is a proof that time people were on the brink of extinction, "said Stanley Ambrose, a professor of anthropology at the University of Illinois, along with Professor Martin AJ Williams of the University of Adelaide.
Super volcano was so powerful that it destroyed all the trees in India, making the Indian subcontinent in an area covered with volcanic ash, which took over 1,000 years to recover from past crop biodiversity.
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