
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Giant creatures are real?

Testimonials about the Yeti's existence, the crocodiles in Russia or give huge octopus cryptozoologists work worldwide. Incredibly, in the last century, have been found alive and unharmed, the lives that were supposed to have disappeared thousands of years ago.
Criptozoologiei father was Dr. Bernard Heuvelmans, who also proposed the term in 1955 with the publication of his book "On the trail of unknown animals." How those interested in his theories have been numerous since 1982, Heuvelmans began to publish the magazine "cryptozoologists", defining the term that science which deals with the study of animals that are not officially recognized by experts in zoology but supported in some way due to the numerous testimonies of those who have met such creatures. Kryptos term derives from the Greek word, meaning unknown, secret, enigmatic, mysterious.
Over the centuries, many species of animals have disappeared as a result of ecological imbalance created by the development of human society or direct attempts to exterminate the species problem. An example is the Thylacine or Tasmanian tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus). In the early twentieth century, this carnivorous marsupial that lived in Australia has been hunted to extinction. The last known specimen died in captivity in 1936 in Hobart Zoo, Australia. Numerous testimonies of his appearance, made even today, shows however that there could be a few copies still living in the wild.
Cryptozoologists come and support the idea that many of these mysterious animals are actually survivors from ancient times. For example, for hundreds of years there have been stories about dinosaurs that survived in the jungles of Central Africa. The earliest written record we find a book in 1776, the Abbe Proyhart claims that he saw traces of an animal with huge claws in western Central Africa. According to the same ideas, sea monsters would actually plesiosaurs (prehistoric aquatic reptile) and Yeti - Gigantopitecus black, which apes a supposedly extinct a few hundred thousand years.
Ancient giant lizards may have existed in Russia until a few centuries ago. A mysterious being (as one resembling a crocodile with a dinosaur after another) occurred in the city of Arzamas in the early eighteenth century. Authorities have kept the monster in a jar filled with "strong wine" (another name for vodka) and sent him to St. Petersburg to study. Men who accompanied the cargo to the city seems to have drunk alcohol in the flask, and lizard-relic, perhaps the last of its species, was used as a snack. Coat of arms of Moscow, which is St. George the Trophy-bearer portrayed with a spear penetrating a snake, is also a source for cryptozoologists. Few know that this snake was real beings who at one time inhabited the forests of Russia. With them struggling voinicii of Russian stories and legends. It seems that the old knights sword sealed their disappearance from earth of these prehistoric lizards.
Crocodiles Novgorod
Crocodile-gigantNu only remember the legends and stories enigmatic monsters. There are other sources which mention the truly extraordinary creatures. Who opens the 30th volume of "Compendium of Russian annals, will find an amazing note, dated 1582:" That summer they went from bad crocodiles and they scared people. They prayed to God to save them trouble. Some have managed to hide, but others have been killed by monsters. " What are these crocodiles that have come from bad and rushed over to people? This happened not far-off Africa, but in the near Novgorod. It may be that the Chronicle to be exaggerated to some extent? Notes of an agent of a British commercial companies named Jerome Garcey Fri strange but evidence in support.
In 1589, he traveled to Britain several times in Russia. On the road to the east, Poland has witnessed an unprecedented fact. In his diary was preserved following note: "I left Warsaw in the evening, we crossed an evil, which was situated on the banks causing a crocodile, dead. People in my entourage and stomach were pierced with spears. As a consequence, also spread a smell, that I was poisoned and I was admitted to a hospital in the village near where I found compassion and Christian Aid, so I recovered pretty quickly. "
Austrian testimony about strange lizards
Lizards strange, uncharacteristic for the Russian fauna is also found in memories of Austrian soil in Russia, Gerbershtein Sigismund, who traveled to these places in the years 1517 and 1526. Here are his words: "The region is very rich in forests that may see the terrible events. Here, and today many people still alive who worship idols and eat the kind of snakes that have four short legs, like lizards and a black body and fat .... "
The monsters who drink blood
varanChiar where many thought-provoking stories dealing with such sources with suspicion. Thus researchers tried at one time and the story of a pilot who has suffered damage to his machine on the island of Java Komodo archipelago. Pilot accident happens in 1912. Returning from his trip, he began to recount the incredible things about monsters who drink blood. Only in the summer of 1926, an expedition arrived on the island of zoologists who have studied the relics of giant lizards, called her on the island of Komodo dragons. These prehistoric animals whose number was not higher than 1000 reached 4.5 meters in length and weighed about 170 pounds. Varanii giant were pretty aggressive, attacking without hesitation stately animals. A German hunter, famous at the time, died expedition to Komodo, the circumstances remain unclear. He went to photograph a group of VARAN and never returned. On the banks of marshes were only found his shoes and camera to photograph destroyed.
A pound slug
The official documents that currently the international community unites cryptozoologists about 50 researchers from 20 countries. Based on legends and myths, they are dealing with animals looking enigmatic and incomprehensible phenomena of nature study of life. For them, this is not a race for sensational, but a serious scientific activity. The road was littered with many failures, but also with enough wins. One of them is the famous story of a snail that weighed a pound. Researchers have learned about him from the stories of blacks in Central Africa, where they found some huge shells. A live specimen was discovered quite by chance through some logs transported to Marseille. Giant snail was walked triumphantly through Paris, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Berlin or London. Among the great coral reef in Australia recently caught criptozoologii eight new types of exotic fish, the existence of which no one knew anything.
Giant octopus
In the sands of Arabia was caught a 120-inch lizard, VARAN Asian ancestor. Referred to in ancient Arabic legend, the lizard was searched tirelessly for 25 years. Giant mollusc is invoked whenever someone takes criptozoologiei futility. These strange animals that haunt the depths of the ocean can reach impressive sizes. Recent estimates show that a giant octopus can reach 20-22 feet. Although no specimen was not seen in adult life researchers, who took some time before the testimonies of those who had met with laughter as monsters, some specimens were caught near New Zealand couples. Scientists plans include the introduction of such young specimens huge aquariums and studying their growth process.
Recently found evidence of a species even more impressive than the giant octopus. Mesonychoteuthis Hamilton has been described in detail due to the latest discovery of a truly massive specimen. Researchers have yet managed to establish this new species of octopus lives in Antarctic waters and can reach truly impressive size, much larger than the giant octopus.
Animals illusory
Meetings with hairy hominids such as Yeti, Sasquatch or Nguoi Rung mentioned since antiquity. The proof of the existence of this creature known estrous famous Roger Patterson film, dating from 1967. Assumptions talk meetings with extinct apes. It is assumed that an animal could be Gigantopithecus also black, which apes a supposedly extinct a few hundred thousand years. Story mountain gorilla discovery demonstrates that such species may remain undetected and that the good folk legends decades about such creatures can have a real basis. The same is true for giant panda. It took 67 years from the time when Westerners were "discovered" this animal to capture a copy. During this period, 12 well-prepared expeditions failed to obtain even a picture of a cat. It took 20 years to capture a specimen of the parrot in the Congo. Until then, it was known only from the testimony of scientists and local description.
Explanations for sea monsters
Another type of animals that were born many controversies are so-called sea monsters. The most famous such copy shall be presumed that it was in Loch Ness in Scotland. Many of the existing testimonies can be explained in part by some lesser-known climatic phenomena that determine the strange form of waves. Another explanation, valid for lakes connected with the sea, would be the emergence of a sturgeon. Its appearance would certainly inflame the imagination of many. Thus, instead of scales, the Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrhynchus) is covered with five rows of bony plates. Smaller sturgeons swim through rivers to lakes that are related to the ocean, such as Lake Champlain in Vermont, USA. Once there, sturgeon can grow to impressive size. Thus, the Atlantic sturgeon reach over 5 feet long and can weigh over 400 pounds. In 1951, a fisherman says out loud that he saw a monster in Lake Champlain. He fired several bullets in the right strange animal, and he disappeared. A few days later, wearing the body of a giant sturgeon after a bullet was brought on shore. The largest sturgeon ever measured is but a specimen of Acipenser huso, caught in the Volga River in 1827. Fish will measure 8 feet and weighing 1,470 pounds.
Surprise: primitive fish disappeared 80 million years
Sometimes, animals are assumed to have disappeared long ago in prove life. Coelacanth's (primitive fish) is the best example. In 1938, a coelacanth was caught by fishermen Nerín boat near the river mouth in South Africa Chalumna. Fish measuring about 2 feet and weighed over 60 pounds. Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer, the Museum of London, could not identify, so he sent a drawing of Professor JLB Smith of Rhodes University in South Africa. Only it is determined that a coelacanth. Before this startling discovery, researchers believed extinct over 80 million years ago. The next specimen was caught only in 1952. Since then, over 200 of these fish were caught around the Comoro Islands. Another recent example is the Canary Island lizard Gallotia gomerana. In June 1999, told the Spanish researchers have found six specimens of this species in the island of La Gomera. Gallotia gomerana, lizard more than half a meter long, was considered extinct about 500 years. In 1997 he discovered a giant tree rat in Vilcabamba Mountains in Peru. The discovery, Louise Emmons of the Smithsonian Institute, called Cuscomys ashaninka animal, after the city of Cuzco was found near the native place names, Ashaninka

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